Applying Vastu to Existing Homes with Dr. Kunal Kaushik

Enhance Your Home with Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture, can bring harmony and prosperity to your home. Whether your house faces north, south, east, or west, Dr. Kunal Kaushik can help you apply Vastu principles to create a balanced and positive living environment. With tailored solutions, including Zero Demolition Vastu and Structural Changes Vastu, Dr. Kaushik ensures your home is aligned with Vastu guidelines.

Dr. Kunal Kaushik – The Vastu Scientist

About Dr. Kunal Kaushik

Dr. Kunal Kaushik, also known as “The Vastu Scientist,” blends traditional Vastu Shastra knowledge with modern technology to provide accurate and effective solutions. His extensive experience and scientific approach ensure personalized Vastu consultations that cater to the unique needs of each client, optimizing the energy flow in their homes.

Zero Demolition Vastu: Modern Solutions Without Structural Changes

What is Zero Demolition Vastu?

Zero Demolition Vastu is a contemporary approach that allows homeowners to enhance the energy balance of their homes without making structural changes. This method is ideal for those who prefer to retain their home’s current layout.

How Zero Demolition Vastu Works

Dr. Kunal Kaushik evaluates your home’s layout to identify areas of energy imbalance. He then recommends Vastu remedies that do not require demolition, such as the strategic placement of objects, colors, and symbols, and lifestyle adjustments to improve positive energy flow.

Benefits of Zero Demolition Vastu

  • No Structural Changes: Preserve your home’s structure while enhancing its energy balance.
  • Cost-Effective: Save on renovation costs with non-invasive remedies.
  • Quick Implementation: Achieve Vastu compliance swiftly with minimal disruption.

Structural Changes Vastu: Custom Solutions for Lasting Impact

What is Structural Changes Vastu?

For homeowners willing to make changes, Dr. Kunal Kaushik offers Structural Changes Vastu. This service involves modifying the physical layout of your home to better align with Vastu principles, ensuring a lasting positive impact.

Key Areas of Structural Changes Vastu

Main Door Direction

Correcting the main door’s placement to enhance prosperity and well-being.

Toilet Placement

Adjusting or remedying negative toilet Vastu to prevent financial and health issues.

Kitchen Location

Ensuring the kitchen is in the correct Vastu zone to promote health and harmony.

Bedroom Arrangement

Optimizing bedroom locations and layouts for restful sleep and relationship harmony.

Staircase Direction

Correcting staircases in the wrong direction to prevent energy loss and instability.

Benefits of Structural Changes Vastu

  • Long-Term Solutions: Structural changes provide a lasting impact on your home’s energy balance.
  • Enhanced Well-Being: Significant improvements in health, relationships, and prosperity.
  • Customized Solutions: Each structural change is tailored to meet the specific needs of the client.

Personalized Vastu Services for Your Home

Customized Consultations

Dr. Kunal Kaushik offers highly personalized Vastu services, ensuring that each solution addresses the unique requirements of your home and family.

Advanced Techniques and Technology

Dr. Kaushik uses state-of-the-art technology to assess and optimize your home’s energy patterns. His methods include:

  • Aura Scanning: Analyzing the energy field of your home and its inhabitants to identify imbalances.
  • Geomagnetic Field Analysis: Studying the home’s interaction with Earth’s magnetic fields to optimize energy flow.
  • Scientific Instruments: Utilizing advanced tools to measure and correct Vastu-related issues with precision.

Online and On-Site Consultations

Dr. Kunal Kaushik offers both online and on-site Vastu consultations, making his expertise accessible worldwide. Whether you prefer the convenience of online advice or an in-person visit, Dr. Kaushik provides effective solutions to transform your living space.

Addressing Common Vastu Issues

Main Door in the Wrong Direction

A main door facing the wrong direction can disrupt the flow of positive energy. Dr. Kaushik offers:

  • Zero Demolition Remedies: Placement of specific symbols or objects near the door to neutralize negative energy.
  • Structural Changes: Repositioning the main door to an auspicious direction as per Vastu principles.

Negative Toilet Vastu

Toilets in the wrong location can cause financial and health problems. Dr. Kaushik provides:

  • Zero Demolition Remedies: Use of Vastu-specific plants or colors to counteract negative energy.
  • Structural Changes: Relocating the toilet to a Vastu-compliant area.

Negative Kitchen Vastu

A kitchen in the wrong Vastu zone affects health and harmony. Dr. Kaushik suggests:

  • Zero Demolition Remedies: Adjusting the placement of the stove or introducing specific elements to balance energy.
  • Structural Changes: Moving the kitchen to the correct zone.

Negative Bedroom Vastu

Improper bedroom placement impacts sleep and relationships. Dr. Kaushik recommends:

  • Zero Demolition Remedies: Rearranging furniture or using specific colors and objects to enhance positive energy.
  • Structural Changes: Repositioning the bedroom to a favorable direction.

Staircase in the Wrong Direction

Staircases in the wrong direction lead to energy loss and instability. Dr. Kaushik offers:

  • Zero Demolition Remedies: Using Vastu remedies like mirrors or symbols to correct energy flow.
  • Structural Changes: Altering the staircase direction to align with Vastu principles.

Why Choose Dr. Kunal Kaushik?

Expertise and Experience

Dr. Kunal Kaushik is a highly experienced Vastu consultant known for his scientific approach and deep knowledge of Vastu Shastra. His reputation as “The Vastu Scientist” is well-earned through years of dedicated practice and successful transformations of countless homes and businesses.

Client Testimonials

Dr. Kaushik’s clients consistently praise his ability to create harmonious living spaces. Here’s what some of them have to say:

  • S. Gupta: “Dr. Kaushik’s Zero Demolition Vastu transformed our home without any major changes. We feel more positive and balanced than ever.”
  • Pankaj K.: “With Dr. Kaushik’s structural changes, our house now aligns perfectly with Vastu principles. The impact on our health and well-being has been profound.”

Contact Dr. Kunal Kaushik for Vastu Advice

Ready to transform your home with the power of Vastu? Contact Dr. Kunal Kaushik today for personalized, effective Vastu solutions. Whether you prefer Zero Demolition Vastu or are open to structural changes, Dr. Kaushik will guide you towards a more harmonious and prosperous living environment.


Applying Vastu to your existing home can significantly enhance your quality of life. With Dr. Kunal Kaushik’s expert guidance, you can achieve a balanced and positive living space through Zero Demolition Vastu or Structural Changes Vastu. Embrace the ancient wisdom of Vastu Shastra with modern, tailored solutions that suit your specific needs. Contact Dr. Kunal Kaushik, The Vastu Scientist, for online and on-site Vastu advice worldwide.