Vastu for Commercial Plots: Ensuring Business Success


Choosing the right commercial plot is a pivotal decision for any business owner. Adhering to Vastu Shastra principles can significantly enhance the prosperity, stability, and success of your enterprise. Dr. Kunal Kaushik, also known as “The Vastu Scientist,” offers expert Vastu guidance for commercial plots. His services are available both online and on-site, ensuring that your commercial space aligns with Vastu principles for maximum benefit.

Key Vastu Principles for Commercial Plots

Shape and Orientation

The shape and orientation of a commercial plot are crucial for its Vastu compliance.

Ideal Plot Shapes

  • Square and Rectangular Plots: These shapes are considered ideal as they promote stability and balance. A rectangular plot should have a width-to-length ratio of no more than 1:2.
  • Corner Plot Vastu: Plots located at the intersection of roads, particularly those facing north and east, are highly auspicious.

Irregular Plot Shapes

  • Irregular Plot Vastu: Unevenly shaped plots can lead to financial instability and should be corrected or avoided.
  • Diagonal Plot Vastu: Requires careful planning to maintain harmony and balance.

Plot Facing Directions

The direction a commercial plot faces can significantly impact its success.

North Facing Commercial Plot Vastu

  • North Facing Plot Vastu: North-facing plots are considered highly favorable, promoting wealth and prosperity.
  • North East Corner Plot Vastu: This direction is extremely auspicious for growth and new beginnings.
  • North East Extended Plot Vastu: Extensions in the northeast enhance positive energy.

South Facing Commercial Plot Vastu

  • South Facing Plot: While challenging, south-facing plots can be made successful with proper Vastu adjustments.
  • South Facing Land Vastu: Ensuring Vastu compliance for the main entrance and internal layout is crucial.

East Facing Commercial Plot Vastu

  • East Facing Plot: Ideal for businesses related to communication and services.
  • East Facing Plot Vastu Plans: Detailed planning is essential to maximize benefits.
  • East South Corner Plot Vastu: Specific guidelines are required to harness positive energy.

West Facing Commercial Plot Vastu

  • West Facing Plot: Beneficial for service-related businesses, provided the layout is carefully planned to ensure prosperity.

Specific Plot Types and Vastu Guidelines

Gaumukhi and Shermukhi Plots

  • Gaumukhi Plot Vastu: These plots taper towards the front and are considered highly auspicious.
  • Shermukhi Plot: Wider at the front and narrower at the back, suitable for commercial purposes with specific Vastu considerations.

Unique Plot Shapes

  • 3 Side Road Plot Vastu: Plots bordered by roads on three sides can be advantageous if properly aligned.
  • 5 Corner Plot Vastu: Unique plots requiring expert Vastu guidance.
  • L Shape Plot Vastu: Needs strategic placement of key elements to ensure balance.
  • Extended Plot Vastu Shastra for Plot Shapes: Extensions in specific directions can bring positive or negative energy.

Best Plot Size as per Vastu

Choosing the right plot size is vital. According to the Plot Size Vastu principle, larger plots tend to attract more positive energy. However, the alignment and shape of the plot are equally important.

Advanced Vastu Techniques by Dr. Kunal Kaushik

Dr. Kunal Kaushik combines traditional Vastu Shastra principles with modern technology to provide comprehensive Vastu solutions.

Human and Premise Aura Scanning

  • Human Aura Scanning: To detect and correct energy imbalances in individuals.
  • Premise Aura Scanning: Ensures the plot’s energy is conducive to business success.

Scientific Instruments

  • Advanced Tools: Utilizes state-of-the-art instruments to measure and correct Vastu defects.

Why Consult Dr. Kunal Kaushik?

Dr. Kunal Kaushik is a distinguished Vastu consultant with extensive experience in both traditional and modern Vastu practices.

Personalized Consultations

  • Tailored Advice: Customized guidance based on the unique characteristics of your plot.

Online and On-Site Consultations

  • Flexible Options: Offers both remote and in-person consultations to suit your needs.

Proven Success

  • Track Record: Numerous success stories and client testimonials affirm his expertise.

Client Testimonials

“Dr. Kaushik’s insights transformed our business premises, leading to remarkable success.” – R. Mehta, Business Owner.

“His online consultation was detailed and effective, significantly improving our shop’s performance.” – P. Singh, Shop Owner.


Can Vastu principles be applied to existing commercial plots?

Yes, Dr. Kaushik offers solutions for both new and existing plots to ensure they are Vastu compliant.

What is the importance of plot facing direction in Vastu?

The facing direction influences the flow of energy and can impact the success and prosperity of the business.

How does Dr. Kaushik conduct online consultations?

Dr. Kaushik uses video calls and advanced scanning tools to provide accurate and effective Vastu advice remotely.


For expert Vastu advice on your commercial plot, consult Dr. Kunal Kaushik. His deep expertise and modern techniques ensure your commercial space is optimized for success. Whether you need guidance on North Facing Commercial Plot Vastu or advice on a 5 Corner Plot Vastu, Dr. Kaushik is your trusted advisor.